Tattoo Preparation

Drafting The Tattoo

Once a booking is confirmed, Ben takes the concept of your idea and interprets the reference material and examples you have provided to draw out the tattoo ready for the appointment on the day.

If this is a first-time tattoo experience for you, and you are nervous, exceptions can be made to the process. Collaborating your thoughts with Ben and viewing first-draft designs can be arranged prior to the day making sure you’re confident.

In other cases, the final design is shown on the day (not sent through email) ensuring there is face-to-face consultation and understanding between yourself and Ben, and any changes to the design can be resolved.

Remember, tattoos are permanent. It is in your best interest to be as open and communicative with Ben as possible enabling the best experience.

Preparing Your Body

Ben’s focus is just as much on your comfort and well-being as it is on his tattoo work. Regular breaks are provided as needed, in addition to routine communication on how you are managing with the process.

For your body and mind to be in the best condition for getting a tattoo, it is wise to get a full night’s rest, eat well, and keep hydrated before you arrive at the studio. Bring water and nourishment with you that will keep your energy at an optimum level throughout the day.

Please make sure you do not drink alcohol or intoxicate your body the night or morning before your appointment. In which case, Ben will refuse the session.

Finally, remember to wear suitable, breathable clothing that allows comfortable access to the area of the body being tattooed. If you have belongings with you, they can be kept secure next to the station